Student Support System

Shubham Kumar Founder of Foragle Swizonce
Shubham Kr. Maurya,
M.Sc. (Informatics),
University of Delhi,
Delhi View More

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Foragle’s exclusive Student Support System, designed by students and alumni from DU, JNU, and BHU, offers comprehensive guidance, counselling, and mentorship for emotional and academic support:

  1. Expert Guidance, Counselling, and Mentorship: Whether you’re facing tough academic challenges, making crucial career decisions, or navigating the college admissions maze or other educational concerns, our experienced mentors are here to provide guidance and counseling. As students and alumni who’ve walked the same path, they offer heartfelt advice, practical tips, and unwavering support. Together, we’ll help you master study strategies, ace your exams, and find the encouragement and understanding you need to succeed.
  2. Emotional Support: Sometimes students need a space to talk about their stress, anxiety, or any other personal issues. The group can offer emotional support and advice on how to manage these challenges.
  3. Mental Health Support: Connect with supportive peers and mentors who understand the pressures of student life and can help you maintain your well-being.
  4. Direct Interaction: Engage in real-time conversations via text messages and calls (limited) on Telegram, available in Hindi, Hinglish, and English.
  5. Collaborative Learning: Students can also help each other during times of difficulty by providing accurate information and sharing valuable insights within the community.
  6. Expert Sessions: Participate in interactive sessions via Google Meet and Zoom, where you can ask questions and receive personalized advice from experienced mentors.
  7. Networking Opportunities: Being part of this group allows students to connect with peers and alumni, helping them build a network that could be beneficial for their academic and professional growth.
  8. Language Flexibility: The support is provided in Hindi, Hinglish, and English, making it accessible to a broader range of students.

Service Duration and Renewal:

  1. Current Service Period: Our services are available until December 31, 2024.
  2. Renewal: To continue benefiting from our support beyond December 31, 2024 you will need to renew your membership every 4 months.

Important Rules and Policies:

  1. Question Limits: To ensure focused and efficient support, there is a daily limit on the number of questions each student can ask. This helps prevent unnecessary disturbances and ensures that everyone receives adequate attention.
  2. Strict Compliance: Any student found violating the rules or causing disruptions will be removed from the group immediately, without prior warning or notice.
  3. Complaint Handling: If a student is found disturbing others, a complaint will be reviewed and verified. If the complaint is valid, the student will be removed from the group immediately, without prior warning or notice.
  4. Rule Changes: Foragle reserves the right to change or modify any rules and regulations at any time without prior notice. By joining, you agree to abide by any such changes.

Join Foragle Today: Foragle is a community of support, encouragement, and empowerment. Whether you’re a student aspiring for success, a parent supporting your child’s education, or an academic enthusiast, Foragle is your friend in navigating the complexities of academic stress, let’s achieve your dreams together!

Thank you for choosing Foragle’s exclusive Student Support System – where guidance transforms aspirations into achievements!